

脑科中心基金成立于2002年,属于脑中心慈善分会。本基金从事公共教育、常见神经紊乱疾病的演示与讲座。基金在2003年进行了回溯性中风调查,发现公众对于中风作为主要致死、致残的原因以及中风的常见症状不甚了解。本中心还赞助中国香港和中国大陆的神经外科手术。Brain Met Fund是本基金的慈善分会,旨在资助无力支付伽马刀放射手术费用的脑转移癌患者。


伽玛刀慈善基金的前身为脑转移瘤基金(the Brain Met Fund) 是脑科中心基金的主要部份,该基金成立于2006年,旨在为有需要接受伽玛刀放射治疗的脑转移瘤 患者提供适切的经济支援。

脑转移瘤是影响脑部最常见的癌症。全港七百五十万人口中,估计每年脑转移瘤患者多达三千人,传统治疗及全脑放射治疗(WBRT) 愈后均可能引致不同程度的后遗症,且存长期认知障碍的风险。伽玛刀放射治疗是脑转移瘤最有效的治疗方法之一,能显著提高存活率及提升生活质素。

除脑转移瘤外,伽玛刀慈善基金现将其赞助范围扩大到其他类型的脑肿瘤,包括胶质脑细胞瘤,脑膜瘤,听觉神经瘤,脑下垂体腺瘤和脑动静脉血管畸形等等 。



The Gamma Knife Charitable Fund (previously the Brain Met Fund)  is the charity wing of the Brain Centre Foundation. It was established in 2006 to sponsor patients in need for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery to treat brain metastasis.

Brain metastasis is the most common tumour affecting the brain. In Hong Kong’s 7.5m population, an estimated 3000 patients will develop brain metastasis each year. Conventional treatment such as whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) carries poor prognosis and risk of long term cognitive impairment. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in one of the most effective treatment for brain metastasis and significantly improves survival and quality of life.

Apart from brain metastasis, the Gamma Knife Charitable Fund has now extended its sponsorship to include treatment of other tumours including Glioblastomas, Meningiomas, Acoustic Schwannomas, Pituitary adenomas and Arteriovenous malformations.

Visit the Gamma Knife Charitable Fund website to learn more about us.

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