THE BRAIN CENTRE 腦科中心 腦神經科 脑神经科 关于我们 關於我們 脑科中心基金 腦科中心基金 伽玛刀 伽瑪刀 GAMMA KNIFE BRAIN CENTRE FOUNDATION Group and individual change in cognitive functioning in patients with 1 to 10 brain metastases following gamma knife radiosurgery Publications HOME Treatable Conditions 治療適應症 治疗适应症 医学论文 醫學論文 脑健康 大腦健康 联络我们 专业咨询 專業諮詢 首頁 首页 BRAIN HEALTH 第二意见 Health state utilities for patients with brain metastases Safety and efficacy of single-fraction gamma knife radiosurgery for benign confined cavernous sinus tumors: our experience and literature review Treatment of the ventral intermediate nucleus for medically refractory tremor: A cost-analysis of stereotactic radiosurgery versus deep brain stimulation Socioeconomic costs of open surgery and gamma knife radiosurgery for benign cranial base tumors 聯絡我們 NEUROLOGY Ask Our Team Quality-of-life outcomes after gamma knife surgery for trigeminal neuralgia Outcomes of two-isocenter gamma knife radiosurgery for patients with typical trigeminal neuralgia: pain response and quality of life Stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia: a systematic review Effectiveness of gamma knife radiosurgery in improving psychophysical performance and patient’s quality of life in idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia Gamma Knife radiosurgery for low-grade gliomas: Clinical results at long-term follow-up of tumor control and patients’ quality of life A microcosting study of microsurgery, linac radiosurgery, and gamma knife radiosurgery in meningioma patients Comparing costs of microsurgical resection and stereotactic radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma Gamma Knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannomas and quality of life evaluation Long-term outcome of gamma knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma A cost comparative study of gamma knife radiosurgery versus open surgery for intracranial pathology Cost-effectiveness of stereotactic radiosurgery with and without whole-brain radiotherapy for the treatment of newly diagnosed brain metastases. Cognitive functioning and health-related quality of life of long-term survivors with brain metastases up to 21 months after gamma knife radiosurgery 2ND OPINION Quality of life is maintained using Gamma Knife radiosurgery: a prospective study of a brain metastases patient cohort ABOUT US 第二意見